Monday, May 15, 2023

Generic Research-video case study: Interpol-If you really love nothing

 I looked at Grimes music videos however they all seem to have a hit production value which I don't have the money or resources to produce. Therefore, I couldn't take a lot from her work to put into mine or spark any ideas so I went with Interpol instead. 

The use of red lighting here creates a more romantic tone which I will want to input into my video, so my message gets through to the audience. Also the smoky background is conventional to a usual night performance and creates that sense of mystery for the background band members. Having the all black and red colour scheme makes for a darker scene and is almost ominous which red often connoting danger. Also this formation of them is creative havung two in the front with the centre stage being taken up by the main member of the band and then two in the back. It means they fill the whole screen while our focus is still drawn to the middle.

When we finally get a look at the main band member he steps into the light and the camera focuses onnhim. This is a reakky good editing technique to draw attention and instantly introduce him as a charcter of importance. I want to import this type of editing into my video to push my main character into the attention of the audience. He’s dressed extravagantly with a floral suit yet he still looks formal which is something I might use in my video to make it seem more high end.

This low angle shot of walking would be a good movement and transition shot of my main character moving between location. It makes for a good variety of shots and could be a good filler shot as its vital for me to take as much footage as possible.

This mid shot of nightlife focusing around her as the main character in the actual scenes compared to the band is intriguing. Theres a lot to unpack including differing characters, setting and mood lighting which hints that something either dangerous of lustful is going to happen next. I want to include some of this nightlife aspect into my piece as the band will be playing around night time in order to represent a concert type of aethetic. We follow her around for most of the video and see her doing loads of different things and having very different interactions. I want to take an element of this into my video considering that I want some shots of my main character longing for his love interest, thinking/stressing about the band or performance and I need activities in order to be able to input my intertextual references.  

This close up shot of the singer is similar to that in the Radiohead video. It shows emotion ansd with the prop of a microphone makes him look professional and gives the band an image rather than a video with no features of the singers.  

This use of screens within screens suits Andrew Goodwins theory and almost breaks the fourth wall. Flashing lights are a good way to make up for rocky transition shitd and add some reality into the video. I really want to focus in on this unique lighting of the red and flashing lights as it does have connotations of parties and flashing lights of paparazzi and fame which I would want to be apart of my bands life and career. 

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