Monday, September 25, 2023

Branding update

 I used to create a logo for me and it inputted it onto some merchandise 

Tuesday, September 19, 2023


 Here are some very rough mock ups of a brand which I didn't end up using. 

Friday, September 8, 2023

Second Day Filming

 Second Day Filming Reflection 

For my second day of filming, I focused in on the performance aspects of my video, so I rented out a room at maple studios in order for the band to be able to all perform at once since they had a drum kit there. I got the boys to come in costume of red and black all matching, so they look more professional and like they're performing, also making it more engaging and attractive to the eye and showcasing their more indie vibe. In order to make sure I was gathering as much footage as possible I was filming different verses (usually the chorus) from different angles and focusing in on different band members all in different takes lasting the same length. This means I can chop and cut clips together so it smoothly leads on to different parts while all being in time, and they can be swapping quickly without it looking like the band has only filmed one line or that section. This also means I can easily switch up the order of my clips if they're not up to my standard.  

I got the rest of the chorus filmed on this day and more of the running clips I will cut together from the first day of filming. We had quite a few bloopers as some timing went wrong and it was difficult to have them all in time and focusing at the right time however I've kept these clips for my 30 second audio visual so I can get some behind the scenes. I also made a time lapse of us setting up I will cut into the audio visual to get a more thorough and transparent feel of the band on the website which will encourage more audience interaction if they feel closer to the band already and give the members a more developed sense of character and persona. Especially since my video is relatively solemn at points it will be a nice counter point to have the boys having fun while filming the video so it's not all monotone.  

Potential songs for my audio visual to be overlayed are Party Monster by the Weeknd and Miss You by robin Shulz. 

Also form this filming I've decided that my brand would look good to have a red and black theme to match their costume and add to their brand identity as a band and make them more recognisable and the costume not seem as randomly put together.  

Third day filming reflection


On this day I utilised the new graffiti in Southend to make the images more colourful and “street style”. The boys really enjoyed taking some pictures on this day as they wanted to use them for their own bands brand and so were very excited and enthusiastic to jump into action when I asked them to pose. They had to wear the same outfits they did on the first filming day as otherwise the music video wouldn’t be cohesive. A lot of my focus on this day was new images for the website and I also got more extra footage for my 30 second audio visual showing the fun side of the shooting process and really bringing out the boys personalities, making a more appealing identity for the band from their strong bond and personas. 

Friday, September 1, 2023

First day filming reflection


First day filming reflection 

I decided on old leigh for my first location as there are places with cool graffiti, older buildings and a cobbled street, the beach and grassy areas to make it look like a different location like a field or open area. These shots were those that aren't filled with them performing. It was easy to collect footage from them as they're such good friends in real life that since one of them was comfortable with me they all became more comfortable and were themselves. They played together a lot and in between shots they would be looking for cool spots to take pictures in or play fighting or laughing together which meant I could collect some great candid shots I may use for some behind the scenes footage for my audio-visual footage or for some more light-hearted images for my website. It was really nice weather so I had some great lighting in the footage which was a major relief as filming outside can be so unpredictable as to how the weather will be which greatly affects the lighting. We shot from 1pm until around 6pm but it didn’t get much darker, so it wasn’t an issue. To take soe of Charlie’s advice (an ex-student) I brought a tripod and made sure to use it in the shots I could so I could avoid having to retake shaky shots. However, from a bird's eye view I couldn’t wrestle the tripod into place so had to try my bes5 at being still, this meant it took 13 takes to actually get it how I wanted it. I told the boys to pick out an outfit each which they would be comfortable wearing for the whole of the video, excluding their performance outfits. They wore casual outfits apart from the main singer who wore a more extravagant button up shirt making him stand out giving him more of a star persona but simultaneously standing out in a more “different” sense as he's supposed to feel like an outsider in my video.  


As well as them wanting to help me out with my media NEA, they're also already a band and are really keen to get themselves out there. They have the qualities to get there entirely which really helped push along my progress as they started getting into it and wating some more footage to help them as a band as well as footage for my media, so it was a nice balance for us both to be benefitting from it and made them much more excited to get on with it.  


On this day I got filmed the 5th verse, 6th verse, and the final verse being the chorus with filler shots too for a chorus to make sure I'm in the position of being able to delete footage after I collect it all. It was difficult to make sure everything was in time with the music so in the end we resorted to every time he needed to lip sync something my model would start playing the song on his phone in his pocket and then sing along to that while I filmed which will also make it easier in the long run as I will be able to time it with the music I overlay easily.  



Final Website Screenshots Page 2 ABOUT

Please be aware that there is a major collaboration at the bottom of the page as the band have made music for the next Spiderverse movie. Th...