Thursday, March 16, 2023

Audience Research

 Define a 16-25 year old middle upmarket media literate audience 

A 16-25 year old media literate market audience will be culturally aware and have a modern view of the world. They will be relatively social media based and have an apparent online presence through interactions like commenting and having a social media presence online. They will consider younger and more transparent characters to be more relatable and familiar to them. They have been said to be growing up in a “digital goldfish bowl of judgement” due to the effects of social media and the difference new online life has created. 

Their class is difficult to pinpoint due to the lower half of the 16 year olds will still be living at home and may be of any class whereas 25 year olds may be recently moved out and so of a relatively lower class than they aspire to be when they reach their career goals. However the brief does explain them to be an “upmarket” audience suggesting they are of a higher social class in a financially stable place in order to live an expensive lifestyle. Therefore I’d expect them to be of an ABC1 social demographic. this means for a music video to be successful amongst this demographic it will need to be relatable to those of the middle, upmarket class while still seeming "underground" and indie in order to give that significance of being more unique. They will be familiar with these indie and suave music artists and bands due to their cultural competency. 

They may be seen as of the mainstreamer psychometric type due to their need to be in a group of like-minded people (to fit in) and they seek security through escapism in songs or film. Their high cultural competency will make for a need to relate and feel familiar with songs lyrics and footage in order for them to emotionally engage with the material. 

What does this demographic engage with in terms of pop culture? 

This younger demographic plainly choose what is mainstream and popular in our new society today. Pop culture icons like Mariah Carey or Ariana grande may be more mainstream and popular to be a predominantly female audience, however this more media literate audience may enjoy more niche and therefore independent (indie) bands or musicians. They’re upmarket and therefore more middle class making them have a wider bracket of disposable income due to their young 16-25 age meaning they generally won’t have expenses like children or any large bills of buying properties. Therefore they’ll be more inclined to purchase merchandise and things like records and record players which have recently grown in popularity within this younger community. This means their engagement with pop culture will be heavy with inclusions of being avid fans or having resources to support the artists whether they’re mainstream or relatively underground. With changing generations more diverse media platforms and stars are rising and with their media literacy they should be more accepting and view equality and growth of marginalised groups fondly making these artists which are more eccentric or different their key engagement. 

What does this demographic engage with in terms of your chosen brief?

Considering that in my brief what is expected is a song that would belong to an artist who is apart of the beggars group; this will engage my demographic. This is because the genre of those named is usually indie rock and therefore a more eccentric and less mainstream type of production. My brief of the music video requires at least two characters representing at least two different social groups (age, gender, race, ethnicity and sexuality). This diverse range of character usage will engage my audience due to their positive attitudes towards creating a more equal generation stemming from their media literate mindset. There’s use of mise-en-scene requires twice which will be recognised by a media literate audience as well as a large range of camera shots and angles and heavy editing to bring the video together. This will be appreciated and noticed by the audience which pushes the video to receive more coverage and a wider audience through the appreciation of these techniques. 

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